I can't help it but food with funny names catch my attention every time. I want to say it again and again in a sing-song voice until people around me hatch up plans to end this misery. Luckily these catchy names often lead to pretty delicious bites so all is forgiven in the end. Case in point, Scotcheroo (say it outloud!).
You may not have heard of Scotcheroo but its combination of familiar taste would surely catch your attention. At its heart, this is a fancy Rice Krispy treat. What's so special about it? Ditch the marshmallow and butter. The rice cereal is bind together with a delicious mix of Nutella, peanut butter, and brown rice syrup. As if that's not enough, it is glazed with butterscotch dark chocolate and sprinkles of fleur de sel. Just one bite and even you can forgive my annoying chant of Scotcheroo, Scotcheroo, Scotcheroooooooooo!
The recipe for this decadent treat comes from David Lebovitz. It is so easy to make as long as you have all the ingredients ready. In fact, I think it would make for a fun little afternoon activity with the kiddies. I was a little skeptical of not lining the pan with parchment paper. However, after cooling at room temperature overnight, the bar popped out of the pan pretty easily for me to cut it up into neat squares on the cutting board. I quite like the balance of a not overly thick glaze. The dark chocolate and butterscotch definitely add to the taste of this sweet treat but the chewy crispy base remains the star. My memory of making Rice Krispy treat is not entirely pleasant. As a teenage, I remember pressing down the sticky mess into a pan yet could never get it to level. I was absolutely surprise how nice the Scotcheroo behaved. The mixture was not burning hot. Working from the center of the pan, I slowly pressed the mixture toward the sides of the pan until it was compact and flat. Simple! The glaze was also easy to work with. I poured the warm melted chocolate buterscotch mixture over the cooled cereal and swirled the pan until everything was evenly coated. All no-bake bars ought to be this easy.
I cut up these rich treats into 2.25 by 2.25 inch squares. It's just the right size to accompany a tall glass of milk or strong cup of coffee without being overly indulgent. However, for my own personal stash, I prefer to further quarter each square so I have a box of bite-size candies. After all, it is only the beginning of January and many of us have not yet abandone the "eat healthy" new year resolution just yet. I'm all for moderation! Of course, if you're really earnest about your resolution, I do have something else for you. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you the healthy incarnation of a similar treat.